
Natural Method To Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force that occurs when the heart conducts blood, through the arteries, to the organs. The main risk is that, if left unchecked, the pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels and also, problems in the heart muscle.

What worries most about this condition is that it has no blunt symptoms, unless it is in a more complicated stage.  This characteristic can be dangerous for the patient since it makes it difficult to receive a timely diagnosis and treatment before suffering the consequences of greater care.

High blood pressure is a condition that carries many health risks. For this reason, before trying any alternative method to support your control, it is essential to apply nature therapy treatment.

Naturopathy Tips To Lower Blood Pressure


It is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine that involves pressure on various points of the body to stimulate them and obtain health benefits. The ideal is to be applied by a professional of naturopathy centre, as a bad practice could be harmful.

Life Habits To Lower Blood Pressure

some additional recommendations to address high blood pressure are: 

Avoid Salt in Excess

The excessive salt intake has been linked to increased cases of high blood pressure. And it is not only that which is added to homemade meals but also that which contains processed and packaged products.

Increase the Consumption of Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are known as allies for cardiovascular health. The intake of foods containing them is recommended: 

  • Seafood
  • Olive oil
  • Chia and flax seeds
  • Fish: salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, cod
  • Avoid cigarette

Toxic and stimulant compounds in cigarettes raise blood pressure well above normal levels, since avoiding it will not be enough in the long term, it is necessary to quit smoking altogether if you want to prevent cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Lose Weight

Overweight and obesity are factors that affect the health of the heart and also blood pressure. Therefore, it is essential to lower at least 10% of total body mass to enjoy good health.


Daily for about 30 minutes is a good start to enjoy better cardiovascular health. This is because physical activity activates circulation, helps manage stress and, therefore, helps regulate blood pressure.

It is necessary to make changes in lifestyle to avoid complications from increased pressure. It is also essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially after detecting abnormalities in blood pressure levels.

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