Nirvana Naturopathy & Retreat
Wellness Vacations are Trending Nowadays. Have You Experienced One Yet?
April 24, 2018
by Admin
On an average, how many vacations do you take in a year? 2 to 3? Now think did you actually find some time to relax while on a holiday? The answer is probably a resounding NO!
Vacations can actually be stressful. Why? Because you have to plan and take care of everything from traveling and food to accommodation and everything in between. Not to mention, the fluctuating water and climate actually make a person more stressful than any regular day. The primary objective ultimate relaxation is completely lost in making all the arrangements and also constantly hoping that the vacation goes perfectly. This is why people are now opting for wellness vacations and its popularity is soaring through the skies!
Industry experts believe that the rapidly growing wellness travel niche is going to hit $680 billion within a few years. Research also suggests that this niche is expanding fifty percent faster than the overall tourism industry. Also, since it is about health and overall well-being, wellness travelers end up spending 130% more than an average traveler but, return to normal life feeling 100% rejuvenated and relaxed.
So, to put it simply, the wellness tourism industry is hot and the cutting-edge wellness centres are fueling its rapid expansion. Have you taken one yet? No? Keep reading to discover the fabulous experiences that you are missing out on.
Healthy does not mean eating unseasoned, unflavored food items! That’s a completely wrong idea that a lot of people have regarding healthy food. As a wellness traveler, you will not be asked to sacrifice flavor and taste for the sake of your health.
Healthy food means eating a nourishing, balanced diet that contains all the minerals and nutrients needed by the body. It does not mean sacrificing your favorite protein or completely omitting sugar, it simply means to eat everything in balance. If you choose to experience a weekend getaway at a wellness retreat centre, you will be able to enjoy home-cooked meals specially prepared as per your dietary requirements. You will surely keep coming back for more!
When living in the city, it is quite easy to forget how open, green spaces look like. This is precisely why you need to make frequent trips to retreat centres. These centres are usually situated amidst lush green and the moment you breathe the fresh air, half of your mental, physical and emotional illness will vanish away. Besides that, the dwellings at such retreat centres offer yoga mats, in-room dining options and so on. You may also choose to eat your meals under the open sky and let the sun soak up all your negative energy.
Almost all hotels today offer spa treatments and such other signature experiences to their guests. Well, retreat centres are not far behind at all. Their signature experiences may be deep-rooted into ancient techniques and nature therapies, but they will revitalize your entire being like no other. The experiences you can expect are:
- Yoga: Did you know that yoga was born in India about 2,500 years ago? It is an ancient way of healing and rejuvenating your mind, body, soul and spirit. At wellness retreat centres, you will be taught various yoga styles that are best for your body type. You will be able to practice those yogic postures even when you go home and achieve long-term results.
- Massages: In retreat centres, you can expect massage experts offering deeply relaxing massages. As they put the right amount of pressure, you will find the knots in your body opening up. Massage will also help to improve your blood circulation and reduce joint stiffness.
- Mud therapy: This is not something that you get to enjoy every day, but wellness centres can introduce you to the many benefits of mud. Mud therapy will help to calm you down, along with helping you get rid of wrinkles and fine lines. It is possible to look younger with mud therapy.
Retreat centres are like a world of their own. This is why wellness travelers are increasing in number year on year. These centres not only allow travelers to live lavishly, but also encourage them to engage in outdoor activities and amusement like, boating. To keep travelers engaged and entertained at all times, these centres even offer indoor game facilities.
So, let your next holiday destination be a wellness retreat centre because it is there that you can truly relax. While enjoying your holiday, you will also be able to get rid of some pressing health issues like, obesity, diabetes, arthritis and so on.
Have you been on a wellness vacation recently? Please feel free to share your experience in the comments section below.