Nirvana Naturopathy & Retreat
5 Natural Treatments To Fight Against Depression
February 10, 2020
by Admin
There are so many factors that influence our mood: family, couple, friends, work, economy, how we look, how capable we feel, etc. At a certain moment, we can’t take it anymore and we start rolling downhill. So, it seems to us that everything will always go wrong, and we feel alone and sad. Therefore, being able to fight depression is essential if we want to have an optimal mood again.
Depression is an emotional disorder and illness that is characterized by decay, deep sadness and unhappiness. Some triggers of depression:
- Genetic predisposition
- Trauma by accident, murder or tragedy
- Death of a loved one
- Stress
- Sentimental disappointment
- Labor, economic problems
- Alcohol abuse
- Drug and other toxic substance use
- Psychological abuse
- Bad streaks in life, life crises
Negative psychological aspects, such as high levels of stress and deep depression, tend to inhibit the immune system, making us prone to infections and even cancer. But do not worry, there are many ways to combat depression. here are 5 most effective natural treatments to combat depression.
A sedentary lifestyle is the basis of many of our problems: obesity, heart attacks, depression. Performing physical exercises daily will help you release adrenaline and other hormones that influence your vitality. In this way, you will feel alert, lively and vital.
To reduce the number of sugary foods that you consume since it has been proven that they facilitate the elimination of vitamins from the B complex. Vitamins B9 and B12 directly influence the development and stabilization of the nervous system. This way, if you eat more eggs, spinach, carrots, watercress, fruits, and dairy you will feel better.
When melancholy and discouragement are blinded to you, when you feel you have no energy left, this syrup will make a difference. It is a regenerator that activates your immune system and also tones your cells.
Banana contains vitamins A, C, and E and B vitamins (B1, B2, and B12), as well as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. if you include a banana in your breakfast or snacks every day you will be contributing to elevate your mood and control your stress.
An ancient remedy to fight depression. The idea is to activate a whole series of points that are on the soles of your feet and influence your mood, according to foot reflexology. To achieve this, you must sit in a comfortable chair and with the soles of your bare feet press and move a tennis ball. So, if you do this daily self-massage very soon you will feel active and somewhat more optimistic.
Fill yourself with love for yourself, appreciate the beauties that surround you, enjoy your family, a walk, dinner with friends, learn from mistakes and try to move on. Surround yourself with energetic colors and music. Create a good environment that helps you recover, use these remedies and do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it.